
B.L. Institute of Paramedical Technology (BLIPMT) the maintain facilities available at BLIPMT are the following.
Class Rooms
B.L. institute of paramedical technology ( BLIPMT) has students friendly well ventilated and AC classroom ,(video camera)facility. It is equiped with essential tools and equipment white boards , projector to facilitate learning.
Department of Anatomy & physiology
Laboratory having various original fibre model & chats, human akeleton , maniquins for demonstration of varius procedures on dummy (manniquin).
Department of Skill Medical Lab
Students are given hands on training on all the instruments in the cutting edge medical lab techniques, fully equiped with Auto Analyzer for Biochemical test . high- resolution automatic micoscopes.Auto Colorimeter ,Blood cell counter , and advanced dianostic kits,for better learning.
Operation theatre (O.T.) Skill Lab
O.T. skill Lab is well equipped with latest O.T. instruments. a O.T. Table, O.T. light, monitor, autoclave for stirilization, a suction machine, oxygen cylinder, and a variety of other tools needed for training in the O.T. field.
Department of ophthalmology Lab
The newest optometry technologies, Atteched ophthalmic lab equipped with auto Refratometer , automatic Lensometer,retinoscope, ophthalmoscope, tonometer,slit lamp, it is having atteched ophthalmic lab. for Lens grinding, Fixing, Cutting and Framing including eye testing facilities.
Radiology Skill Lab
BLIPMT the skill lab in different human part of x-ray film, x-ray view box, x-ray cassette, for the radiology department to better prepare the student for a career in radiology.
Electro cardio graphy (E.C.G.)
The B.L.IPMT , Electro cardiography Laboratory is fully furnised with ECG technologies atteched ECG Lab equipped with RMS 12 channel ECG machine,ECG Gell, electrodes,it is having atteched ECG lab including ECG testing facilities.
the institute is attached to various laboratory , Diagnostic centre and hospitals in delhi which provide six months internship (clinical) training in the related fields. Including, , Government hospital and private hospital etc.